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Reflection of Sunset

Reflection of Sunset
Thousand Islands

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Beginning

My mom had always taken care of the men and children in her life. She had worked and been quite successful but felt it was a wife's job to take care of all the needs of her husband. This included cooking, cleaning, laundry, and doing everything a household requires to run. All her husband had to do was bring home the check, and then his retirement check.
When her husband (Dubya, not his real name) passed away, this is really the critical demarcation in her life. Fortunately (or unfortunately, as it turned out), my eldest brother (Tee, not his real name) was living with my Mom during this time frame. (more about him later).
Looking back, I can see the point where she began to lose her way....


Anonymous said...

Hi ya Marguerite,
Surprisingly enough, I have a similar experience with my mother. Mother is 87 and it was after my father's passing that things began to unravel.

Anonymous said...

I just thought I'd share this quote about being old that sums up the sadness of losing one's will to go on:
From "Counting the Ways," on the last years of life: "Most of it's slow and after the fact and has to do with going on without (ital) something, something we thought was necessary -- essential-- but then discovered it merely made all the difference: one could (ital.) go on if one really wanted (ital.) to."
I'm a different "anonymous" but I (mv) know marguerite